I made them all pose prior to opening presents. :)
Christmas in the Arevalo household was really nice. Adan was home for once so we got to do all the santa chores together. I did not make it to be until about 2 AM, but the kids let us sleep in until 8 AM, and then only one was up.
Santa was very nice to us this year! The boys got bikes from Santa, and Lucy got a lap table with art supplies from Santa. I got a brand new digi camera and a wireless printer. From us, AJ got his first cell phone, and Alex got a PSP. Lucy got a tag reader and 4 books. We also do a secret santa in our family. Everyone draws a name, even the kids and everyone has a chance to pick something and give it to another person. AJ got $20 bucks from grannie, Lucy got an easy bake oven from me, Alex got a transformers game for his PSP from AJ, I got a tote bag that says I grow my own food from Katie, and Adan got a bunch of tool sets from Jerry. All of the secret Santa gifts were perfect and suited the receiver so well!
We had a really relaxing day. Mom and Jerry and Grannie came over about 11:00. We ate homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast and had chicken, ham, potatoes, jello salad, green salad and rolls for a late lunch or "linner" as we like to call it. The boys and Adan took a bike ride. Lucy made us all some itty bitty, teeny weeny little easy bake sugar cookies. Grannie took naps in the "box room". My mom and I sat and knitted and crocheted while we watched various Christmas movies... of the muppet variety. I lurve me some muppets.
I haven't blogged in foreeevvvveeerrrr, my imaginary readers won't know, but in the intervening months we have moved again and are in a new house. More on that later.
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