Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sun on a Snowy Day

I love the soft feathery snowflakes of "dry" snow. I was driving home from my doctor appointment and the snow was falling towards my car. I felt like I was at Universal Studios in one of those 3D movies with the snowing jumping out of the screen to my face. My mesmerized staring at the snow hitting my windshield probably wasn't too safe though.

My new wreath is like a bright bit of sunshine on a dark and dreary day. It was so easy to make too. All you need is a styrofoam wreath and some fake flowers. Trim the stems off the flowers and then hot glue the flower heads onto the wreath, close together so you don't see any styrofoam in between the flowers. Glue a looped piece of ribbon on the back and VOILA! Bright and cheery wreath for your door!

I got all the supplies at Michael's but you might be able to find most of these things at your local dollar store.

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