Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Say good-bye to your garden.

Apparently it is against the rules to have a garden in your front yard. You can't even have a cute garden with a cute picket fence around the whole thing, and nifty blue planters hanging from the outside. It doesn't matter if you really really love your garden, and gardening makes you happy. It doesn't matter if you spent A LOT to make that garden pleasing to the eye so no one will complain. It also doesn't matter if you have already started planting vegetables and you now have to kill all your future salads, side dishes, and sandwiches with strawberry jam as you take it apart and put the fence away.

Have I mentioned lately how much I want to buy some land in the country? Like 25 acres, with a house smack in the middle, and no drive way?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Crazy Neighbors make me bitter

So the mean neighbor has decided that he wants the parking spots closest to my house. It is hard to explain but we live in a cul-de-sac with 3 buildings. They form an upside down U. We live at the bottom of the U and they live on one of the sides, closest to us at the bottom. The only parking is on the sides, so we have to park in front of their house. Instead of giving us the first 2 spots, which are closest to our house, they take them and won't move their cars for days. For a while, they were taking the first THREE spots. Normally, I don't mind. They have small children and the first 2 spots are closest to their house as well, so I just "give" it to them. When I "give" it to them, they haven't stolen it from me and I am not mad. But today it is pouring rain. Really pouring. It has rained since last night and their are big puddles all around. And I had to go grocery shopping, and park way far from my house, and splash all the way to the house... 10 trips. IN the rain... When I am sick. This makes me feel bitter. Why can't they be nice SOMETIMES and let me park close when it is raining?????

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Competitive Sports

I will not ever be a sports coach again. I also think I should not attend the games. I am just not competitive. I have an inner sense of justice that says we should help the less talented learn, and bench the better ones until everyone plays well. I don't like the feeling of striking out or missing the pop fly in left field. I don't like to see other people experience those feelings. I am just not a competitive sports kind of gal.

So how do you reconcile your non-love for super strong and competitively driven coaches with your children who love sports, and your child who wants to love sports but isn't good? How do you "go with the game" while feeling bad for your benched child? The mother in me wants to come out and say.. Hey stupid head coach.. HELP him get better at the game instead of benching him!! But that's not how the game is played. Team over individual. :P

Maybe I should just put Adan in charge of the sports?? Got any tips for a for a sensitive mommy?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Homestudy... Check!

Our homestudy is officially complete. that's right folks, we have officially been cleared as ready and able to adopt. That is a scary thought! Our time with the foster child has led me to realize that a younger child is what we need. Maybe 7 or under. I have realized I don't want to adopt more than 2 children. I have realized I need to know their complete background and behaviors before we agree to anything. ANYTHING.

Lu has been saying she wants us to adopt 2 girls and 1 boy. When I asked her why, she told me it was so we can have 3 boys and 3 girls. She is so silly. She said it with a big old grin on her face and a little half laugh.

Little Lu

Is not so little anymore :( I was sick in bed on Tuesday and she ran up the stairs to me all out of breath and excited. "MOM! Great News!" I asked her what the news was and she replied "MY TOOTH is LOOSE!" She allowed me to feel the wiggle and if I squeeze my eyes really tight, I can feel a tiiiiny bit of movement. Go Lu!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sharon's Photo Quilted Wall hanging

this pertains to 101 things #81 and the year of the FO.

Back in December, Sharon asked me to make this photo quilted wall hanging for her sister. Her brother and both parents died last year and it was something of a tribute to their memory. She wanted this for a Christmas present, but I only had 1 week to get it done and just did not finish. So it sat, half finished, in my craft room for 2 months. In March, she asked if I could have it done for the next trip she was making to visit her family. Here is her finished project. I am really happy with how it turned out, and most importantly she said she loved it and her sister loved it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Garden is working!

it's not broken this year!!!!

Here is what we have so far:

9 Little bitty baby pea plants per square. We planted 6 squares.

16 Little bitty carrots per square - We planted 4 squares so far, will have 12.

8 youth broccoli - We will plant pumpkins here this summer

4 baby lettuce plants per square - Will have 6 squares.

These are #10 cans painted blue with rust paint. I am going to plant herbs and flowers in them and hang them off the fence and screw them into our brick wall. I made sure not to get any paint on the inside so it would not pollute our herbs.

Do you think housing is going to like my new lawn decorations?

Thinning Seedlings

I planted 2 or 3 seeds in each peat pot. And actually almost all of the seeds have sprouted. Yesterday I decided it was time for thinning. Remember to use scissors and snip out the seedling you don't want. That way, you won't disturb the roots of the other seedling with your yanking!

Easter is coming

Easter has ambushed me. Did you know that Easter is this Sunday?? As in 3 days away? I haven't gotten any Easter basket stuff. I have cooked any eggs. And I certainly don't have time to make the living grass baskets I want to make. Pooey.

We went to a new church last weekend. It was an apostolic pentecostal church. Interesting. I don't think it quite lines up with my beliefs though. They put heavy importance in talking in tounges and they believe in oneness doctrine..

from Wikipedia

The major doctrinal difference between Oneness Pentecostalism and mainstream Christendom is its teaching on the Godhead, which is popularly referred to as the Oneness doctrine.[2] This dogma states that the Godhead consists not of three separate persons, as in classical Trinitarian theology, but rather one person alone who manifests himself in three separate ways. This places them at odds with the members of most other Christian churches, some of whom have accused Oneness Pentecostals of being Modalists and derided them as "cultists".

Friday, April 3, 2009

Current 101 things in 1001 days

2 blogs I follow have started their own 101 things in 1001 days projects. I started this in Nov. 2006 and my life just completely got in the way, and it was abandoned. Here is my new and updated version that I will start now. :)

101 things in 1001 days
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. I will be posting an update as I finish each task. Completed tasks will be red and in progress tasks will be blue.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e.. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e.. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Begin: April 2, 2009
End: Oct. 1, 2011

My List:

Focus on God:
1. Devotions daily for 1 month.
2. Read the Bible all the way through and keep a journal of my thoughts along the way.
3. Organize my prayer list and remember these things in prayer daily.

Focus on Others:
4. Host a BBQ for our friends each month that it is not snowing.
5. Host the stitchy monthly
6. Create a baby gift for each new baby in my life during the 1001 days.
7. Pay for someone's lunch at the drive through 1 x per month.
8. Find a local venue for volunteering, soup kitchen? food pantry? volunteer once a month with the children.
9. Do something nice for a different neighbor 1 time a month, even the ones that hard to love.

Focus on Family:
10. Go hiking 4 times during each summer
11. Go camping
12. Start a gratitude journal. Have each person make an entry every night at dinner time for 1 month.
13. Read and put into practice "21 Rules for our house"
14. Learn to cut everyone's hair
15. Go bowling twice a month for 3 months.
16. Learn Spanish
17. Visit California to see family
18. Plan and take a family vacation to Disney World.
19. Take a local family trip every other month. Dinosaur world, the zoo, mammoth caves, etc.

focus on ArmyMan:
20. Take dance lessons together. Learn to 2 step, waltz and swing.
21. Rent a motorcycle for a weekend and take a romantic getaway.
22. Write him a note before bed, for him to find the next morning, weekly.
23. Renew our vows in a private ceremony. Maybe that motorcycle trip?

Focus on Children:
24. Build new bunk beds for the boys, 2 sets.
25. Build an entertainment center for the video game room.
26. Sew bean bag chairs for the video game room, 4 of them.
27. Build new dressers for each of the kids.
28. Read a bedtime story every night for 1 month. Long chapter books.
29. Hug, cuddle and say I love you to each child twice a day at least.
30. Research and start a hope chest for Drama.
31. Build a new bookcase for Drama and a bookcase for the boys.

Focus on the household:
32. Get a safety deposit box and fill it with all important papers we would need if there was a fire.
33. Get dressers for ArmyMan and me.
34. Plan decor for each room of the house, decide on a color scheme
35. Make pom pom rug for video game room.
36. Make kitchen table rug, curtains, 25 placemats, 2 couch blankets, table cloth and chair cushions and covers, 2 matching chairs.
37. Make/buy braided rugs, curtains, canisters, kitchen towels, 15 knit and 15 crochet dish cloths for kitchen
38. Make a braided rug for the laundry room.
39. Make curtains for master bedroom, and a rug
40. Make curtains for the boys room, and rug.
41. Make curtains for Drama, and a rug
42. Make afghan for First born
43. Make afghan for Gogo
44. Make afghan for Drama
45. Make afghan for our bedroom
46. Make quilt for first born
47. make quilt for go-go
48. make quilt for drama.
49. make quilt for master bedroom
50. Make summer wardrobe for kids.
51. Make a 4 week rotating summer menu.
52. Use the menu for 8 weeks, taking out yucky meals as needed.
53. Make bread daily for 1 month.
54. Organize the outside shed.
55. Plant large kitchen garden.
56. Can the abundance.
57. Learn about chickens.
58. Purchase land.
59. Plan house.
60. Build house on our own land.
61. Research family tree
62. Finish Firstborn's photo album
63. Finish Gogo's photo album
64. Finish Drama's photo album
65. Finish family/vacation photo albums
66. make crocheted tree skirt and matching stockings
67. Reduce debt by 50% by the end of the 1001 days.
68. Start school back up.
69. 2 classes a block
70. Study for 30 min. a night for an entire block.
71. Make my own soapy soap.
72. Make a list of all, even remote relatives, birthdays and anniversaries and send out cards on the first of each month.
73. shower, Get dressed, blow dry hair everyday for 1 month.

Focus on Me:
74. work out 6 x a week; ride daily for 30 min.; lose 30 lbs.
75. Go to bed by 10 PM every night for a month.
76. Wake up by 5:30 AM every weekday morning for a month.
77. learn to spin.
78. Learn to shoot, buy a gun.
79. ride my bike for anywhere under 2 miles if i don't have to drag kids along.
80. Take a girls weekend once a year.
81. finish all UFOS.
82. Organize my recipes... decide on a system and then run with it.
83. Work on one project at a time; use existing stash for all new projects.
84. Do dishes after dinner for 1 month.
85. No puter till 1 PM for 1 month.

Focus on Preparedness:
86. Put together 72 hour emergency kits.
87. Put together Food Storage for 3 months
88. Put together Food Storage for 1 year.
89. Practice Drills
90. Teach children gun safety.
91. Read one book each quarter about self sufficiency

Focus on Business:
92. Read 1 business book per quarter.
93. Ongoing SEO - 1 page per month.

94. Re-organize the website
95. Redesign forum
96. Write or delegate to be written 1 article per week.
97. Streamline sponsor sign up and back-end paperwork

98. Market locally to gift shops, floral etc.
99. Attend 4 craft shows as a vendor

100. Prepare patterns for publication.
101. Stock one knitted item per quarter.

101 things in 1001 days

2 blogs I follow have started their own 101 things in 1001 days projects. I started this in Nov. 2006 and my life just completely got in the way, and it was abandoned. So I am posting what I had then, and will make a new post with my new and updated version that I will start now. :)

101 things in 1001 days
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. I will be posting an update as I finish each task. Completed tasks will be red and in progress tasks will be blue.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e.. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e.. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Begin: Dec. 1, 2006
End: Sept. 28, 2009

Updated: 12/12/06

My List:

Focus on God:
1. Read Created to be his help meet.
2. Devotions daily for 1 month.
3. Read the Bible all the way through and keep a journal of my thoughts along the way.
4. Organize my prayer list.

Focus on Others:
5. Host the stitchy monthly
6. finish Katie's baby blanket
7. Finish Heather's Baby Blanket
8. Finish Erika's Baby Blanket
9. Finish Amanda's Baby Blanket
10. Finish Gina's Dress
11. Start/Finish Melissa's Baby Blanket
12. Visit an assisted living facility 1x a month and bring treats.
13. Do something nice for a different neighbor 1 time a month.

Focus on Family:
14.Take a train ride through the royal gorge
15. Go camping
16. Start a gratitude journal. Have each person make an entry every night at dinner time for 1 month.
17. Read and put into practice "21 Rules for our house"
18. Learn to cut everyone's hair
19. Go bowling twice a month for 3 months.
20. Start a Spanish Language program. Power glide junior?
21. Visit Kentucky to see family
22. Plan and take a family vacation to Disney World.

focus on ArmyMan:
23. Take dance lessons together. Learn to 2 step, waltz and swing.
24. Rent a motorcycle for a weekend and take a romantic getaway.
25. Mail a letter or package every payday.
26. Send an email to him each night for a month.
27. Renew our vows in a private ceremony. Maybe that motorcycle trip?

Focus on Children:
28. Buy new dressers for each of the kids.
29. Read a bedtime story every night for 1 month. Long chapter books.
30. Hug, cuddle and say I love you to each child twice a day for a month.
31. Research and start a hope chest for Drama.
32. Buy a new bookcase for Drama and a bookcase for the boys.

Focus on the household:
33. Get a safety deposit box and fill it with all important papers we would need if there was a fire.
34. Get dressers for ArmyMan and me.
35. Plan decor for each room of the house, decide on a color scheme
36. Make/buy 2 kitchen table rugs, curtains, 15 placemats, 2 couch blankets, table cloth and chair cushions and covers, 2 matching chairs.
37. Make/buy braided rugs, curtains, canisters, kitchen towels, 24 knit dish cloths for kitchen
38. Make a braided rug for the laundry room.
39. Make curtains for master bedroom, and a chain rug
40. Make curtains for the boys room, and braided rug.
41. Make curtains for Drama, and a chain rug
42. Make afghan for First born
43. Make afghan for Gogo
44. Make afghan for Drama
45. Make afghan for our bedroom
46. Make quilt for first born
47. make quilt for go-go
48. make quilt for drama.
49. make quilt for master bedroom
50. Make summer wardrobe for kids.
51. Make a 4 week rotating menu.
52. Use the menu for 8 weeks, taking out yucky meals as needed.
53. Make bread daily for 1 month.
54. Organize the outside shed.
55. Buy a Colorado gardening book or research this online. Also research container gardening and moveable gardens.
56. Make a list of flowers for the front yard.
57. Make a list of veggies for the back yard.
58. Buy gardening tools.
59. Clear flower beds, veggie beds or purchase containers for the container gardening.
60. Plant!
61. Research family tree
62. Finish Firstborn's photo album
63. Finish Gogo's photo album
64. Finish Drama's photo album
65. Finish family/vacation photo albums
66. make double hook crocheted tree skirt and matching stockings
67. Reduce debt by 50% by the end of the 1001 days.
68. Start school back up.
69. 2 classes a block
70. Study for 30 min. a night for an entire block.
71. Make my own soapy soap.
72. Make a list of all, even remote relatives, birthdays and anniversaries and send out cards on the first of each month.
73. shower, Get dressed, blow dry hair everyday for 1 month.

Focus on Me:
74. Buy a core sculptor and work out 5 x a week.
75. Go to bed by 11 PM every night for a month.
76. Wake up by 7 AM every weekday morning for a month.
77. Quit Smoking
78. Get my eyes checked.
79. Get my sanity checked.
80. Finish braces.
81. Fill cavities and beautify my teethers.
82. Organize my recipes... decide on a system and then run with it.
83. Blog 4x a week for a 1 month.
84. Do dishes after dinner for 1 month.
85. No puter till 1 PM for 1 month.

Focus on Business:
86. Read 1 business book per quarter.
87. Ongoing SEO - 1 page per month.

88. Re-organize the website
89. Write all of our own content. No outside links; Make a list of all articles we need to write.
90. Write or delegate to be written 1 article per week.
91. Make a list of all the diaper hunt program changes.
92. Hire a new programmer to make the changes.
93. Re-organize the diaper hunt application process.

94. Market locally to adult shops (adult candy)
95. Market locally to gift shops, floral etc.
96. Monthly or bi-monthly about candy and gift giving.
97. Attend 4 craft shows as a vendor

98. Stock up on ribbon
99. Organize all materials
100. Make 6 bows per week.
101. Stock bows every Thursday on site and on CMA.