Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Say good-bye to your garden.

Apparently it is against the rules to have a garden in your front yard. You can't even have a cute garden with a cute picket fence around the whole thing, and nifty blue planters hanging from the outside. It doesn't matter if you really really love your garden, and gardening makes you happy. It doesn't matter if you spent A LOT to make that garden pleasing to the eye so no one will complain. It also doesn't matter if you have already started planting vegetables and you now have to kill all your future salads, side dishes, and sandwiches with strawberry jam as you take it apart and put the fence away.

Have I mentioned lately how much I want to buy some land in the country? Like 25 acres, with a house smack in the middle, and no drive way?


Jessica said...

I think that sucks!

SusieGoodness said...

I concur.. I am so upset. They want the housing area to look uniform.. Uniformly ghetto apparently.

maggiemoo said...

Oh, that sucks.